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How it all started

Hello and thank you for connecting with me,
My name is Dasha Marie Vala known as Marie, the Tarot Queen.

I was born in a small country, in the heart of Europe. Life was not always easy. “A lot” was given to me and “a lot” was taken away from me but despite that, I had a fantastic childhood. On my Grandparents’ farm surrounded by trees, flowers and animals, I was allowed to explore, connect and roam free. Mother Nature awakened my senses and my curiosity. This freedom of exploration was my first step towards healing. As a child I loved to play “a doctor” looking after my two patients; my grandmother and our cat. My Grandmother always claimed that I had healing hands and often she asked me to put my hands on her sore knee saying that it was helping her with her arthritis. My Grandmother was also the one who introduced me to Tarot cards. Being a child, I was fascinated by their colors and graphics, I could easily spend hours going through the deck examining every single detail of each card, seeing more in it every time.

As the time passed, my inquisitive mind took me towards the sciences and this opened a new door for me, a door into metaphysics. The unknown slowly became the “known”, so scary and confusing for the unexperienced young “me”! I was so scared that I consciously had decided to shut this door for good ( or that is what I thought) and moved on with living the ordinary life instead.

It was in November 1995 just after my trip to Belgium when I fell seriously ill. I was rushed into the hospital unconscious, and woke up 5 hours later. There is a strong memory linked to these five hours. I was looking down at my body while slowly rising higher and higher to the light. I was at peace, soaked in the warmness of unconditional love. All worries were peeling off me like the skin of an onion. I remember a gentle voice guiding me through the process of passing. Reaching the light was transformational in every aspect. However, I was told that I couldn’t stay as there were many more lessons for me to learn and many tasks to accomplish. I was given a free choice to design my life path before coming back to my body to correct where I was failing. After waking up in the hospital bed, I was overwhelmed and I chose to disregard this experience as a dream, or a chemical change in the brain of some sort, and I never spoke to anyone about it.

Ten years passed before my life took another unexpected turn. I was going through the hardship in the business at the time and things were very difficult. I was in despair, and praying every day for guidance and direction. And then, one night, lights through our house start flickering, and then again, the very next day. An electrician was called but he couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary. More strange things started to happen: the doorbell was setting itself off; there was knocking on the external and internal doors and stumping on the stairs but nobody was ever there; feathers appeared throughout our home. My family was deeply puzzled to say the least. But foremost of all, my hands were lit with light that only I could see and I felt an enormous amount of energy pulsing through them. It took me a while but I finally realized what this was all about – once again I was being invited to connect. This time I was ready, I accepted the invitation, I acknowledged the spiritual world, and I acknowledged my passed loved ones and I thanked them for not having given up on me. Once I had done that, things quickly changed for me and my life. I felt I was becoming a better person. And now I appreciate the small things in my life and I see a beauty all around me, in everything and everybody. I am truly grateful. I am connected. I am light. I am awakened……